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// March 25, 2023

Colors, shapes and movement strengthen vitality and make you happy!

In developmental psychology, the term resilience refers to the ability to maintain one's mental and physical health despite difficult influences and circumstances. Movement and creativity can have a strong and healing influence on us humans and children are usually very easy to reach because they love to express themselves through colors, shapes and movement.

Therefore, with our Live To Love Care initiative "Help Ukraine" we offered a dance into spring with colorful scarves for the children. They very much stimulate the children's imagination through the ever-changing shapes in the movement and trigger lightness - an outlet to let go of stressful emotions.

Children's songs invited to sing along:
"Again and again comes a new spring,
again and again comes a new March
Again and again it brings new flowers,
Always light in our hearts."

Fittingly, the youngest children from Ukraine made and painted flowers and Easter bunnies out of paper or kneaded small figures.
An old sofa acted as a trampoline and became a jumping magnet for the little ones - the children played "catch me" with soap bubbles. Finally, friendship bracelets were tied.

Many of the women whose faces we recognized from last year have since given birth to their children. They greeted us with a joyful hello and were happy about the donated baby and children's clothes.
One young mother told us in a conversation that she had taken the red Live To Love Care bag with her to the delivery as a good luck charm and for strength. Everything went well.
Nina from the initiative "Nordherz" had again established the contact to the women from Ukraine and the bridge to Louis from the association "Gewächshaus für Kunst und Kultur e.V.". Louis had kindly made his rooms available several times. For this we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts! Soon the rooms will be needed for other purposes - but we sincerely hope that a possibility for further meetings will open up there.
One man came up to us at the end of the event to say thank you and said: "My heart beats for two countries - first for Ukraine and second for Germany."
Thank you to all the donors and contributors - you all helped to bring a little bit of happiness, joy and lightness to so many seeking protection from Ukraine today.

With warm regards

Your Live To Love Team


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20259 Hamburg

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