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// 12. März 2022

Acute Refugee Help

„Help Ukraine!“ the first relief operation for the refugees from Ukraine

Today, the Live To Love team distributed "first aid bags" to waiting women and their babies and children in front of the Central Initial Reception Center in Hamburg. The bags contained various hygiene items, towels, nutritional supplements and wound healing creams, as well as children's backpacks and cuddly toys.

True humanity is fulfilled in the direct implementation of active compassion. Most contacts have shown how cultured, friendly and open the Ukrainians are. The children were not afraid to accept offered fruit, sandwiches, sweets and cuddly toys, while the adults found this much more difficult. It is too new and unfamiliar for them to have nothing and to accept help. In Ukraine they had a secure income, a nice apartment or a little house, friends, family and a good life. Then the bombs fell and apart from their lives, most of them could hardly save anything.

One young woman, for all her gratitude for the help she was receiving here, told us that she felt as if she were in a nightmare and that it was her most ardent wish to return to her homeland and "wake up from this dream."
Those who seemed to be less under the impressions of fear immediately showed their gratitude. What their own toothbrush and fresh towels alone can mean was immediately apparent to all.
The helpfulness on the ground was wonderful. We met a lady who wanted to provide an apartment for a family who had fled, a man who distributed homemade cakes, and a little boy who gave sweets bought with his pocket money to children who had fled. A gentleman who was shopping in the wholesale market next door spontaneously brought a large bag of apples and gummy bear bags to the team for further distribution.


Like the refugees, we hope that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be resolved soon. It would be a great relief for the whole world.

Live To Love Team.

The action was generously supported by...

  • Mrs. Aßmann-Uhlig and her team from the pillow barn in Brietlingen, sewed within only two days from a whole bale of fabric, provided by the company Westfalenstoffe from Münster, all the bags that we handed over today. The employees of the Kissenscheune even gave up their wages for this good cause.
  • Thanks to Betten Remstedt from Hamburg, we were not only able to add washcloths and towels to each bag for mothers and children, we were also able to equip many more people with them.
    The children were especially happy about the colorful boiled eggs that were donated to us by Eierhof Seidel from Ellerbek.
  • Many dogs that, as faithful companions, were taken on the run by their humans, we were able to provide with food donations from the pet partner Zoomarkt Alsterdorf.Heimtierpartner Zoomarkt Alsterdorf versorgen.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all companies and individuals for the donations - they have done a lot of good! We will continue our commitment, therefore we remain in continuous contact with the public institutions and residential accommodations in order to coordinate further needs.

Every contribution counts!

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

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