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// 20. Juli 2024

Kinder sind Gäste die nach dem Weg fragen -Maria Montessori

LIVE TO LOVE - CARE: for the women and children from Ukraine who have recently arrived and are living here!
The beginning of today's event was already characterized by joy. Joy at seeing each other again, interest in getting to know each other, amazement at the development of the children, who turned spontaneously and lively to the games and handicrafts on offer, while the mothers and fathers carefully selected what they needed.

Every person is part of a beautiful and complex network of life:
Starting with the family of origin, the people who raise and shape us, we continue to develop in social groups such as kindergarten, school, universities and professions.
The country of birth creates a larger framework of family affiliation, because it connects us humans with all fellow citizens of the country. The individual cultures of national families encompass the traditions and customs that shape us. The faith families of the world religions offer us humans a spiritual orientation and - as long as they are free of fatalistic, exclusionary imprints - they promote cohesion and charity.
All these small, larger and universal "family structures" are also reflected in nature, of which we humans are a part. Just as a forest thrives on the multitude of trees and plants that together form a harmonious ecosystem, human society thrives on the diversity of different cultures. The balance and harmony that we experience in the nature of the forests and landscapes, in the mountains and valleys, are not only a model for our coexistence, but also for our mental and physical health.

The great world family of humans, animals and nature reminds us that we are all part of a complex and beautiful web of life. In recognizing our interdependence and appreciating our differences, we find the true strength of humanity and connectedness with all living beings on this earth.
Dear Tetyana, thank you for your valuable and warm-hearted cooperation!
Many thanks to Mrs. Hübner for the trustful provision of the room, the Christian-evangelical Paul-Gerhard-Gemeinde!
We would also like to thank all those who have contributed to the success of this event in the name of love with their valuable donations in kind and money for the past two years.
Live To Love Team

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

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