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// June 5, 2022

Live To Love - Care for the children from Ukraine

According to UNICEF, millions of children have been impacted by the experiences of war, losing loved ones and friends.
Uprooted from their homeland, they need special care and compassion: For children, support, safety, security and community are very important pillars, in order to regain confidence in life.

This time we visited some families with their children, who stayed with relatives in Hamburg in March after 72 hours of flight and gave away Live To Love Care - bags - as well as a very generous donation of the traditional Hamburg retail store "Leder Israel", for which we are very grateful!

We were particularly moved by the encounter with a young woman. Sad and withdrawn, she spoke only a few words, but they clearly expressed her irritation and shock.
Most of her classmates from Ukraine, with whom she had spent time in Hamburg in the early days, have since returned with their parents, she told us. She misses them very much and she painted a picture for each of them. She is a stand-in for most of her generation.

All children and young people are the future of this earth - are the adults of tomorrow.

It is so important to treat them with love, mindfulness and respect, to empower them and help them find their place in life. And at the same time, to impart values and provide them with a good education so that they will be able to master the countless challenges of the future.

Your Live To Love Team

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

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