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// 15. Mai 2021

Love is caring: Outreach at the Sol Luna Mercy Sanctuary

Actually, the operation was planned for Sunday - but the regulatory office had declared that craft activities in a larger team are not allowed during the Covid Lockdown on Sunday. Team leader Anja Wittenbernds spontaneously reorganized: Therefore, a smaller team from North Rhine-Westphalia visited on Saturday the mercy shelter Sol Luna e.V. for abandoned and abused animals, who live there under the loving care of Irmgard Gubitz - a real heart project!

A lot has happened since the move last fall - and there is still a lot to do: On the agenda today was the laying of paddock slabs in the horse meadow. These plates, which are made of recycled plastic, are intended to serve as a foothold for the horses so that they do not slip on rain-soaked ground, get wet hooves and subsequently suffer hoof rot. When some of the slabs were laid, however, it became apparent after a short time that the ground was too uneven in some places. Safety first for the animals: So now sand must first be ordered to fill and level the holes in the floor before the slabs can be laid. If the plates had been laid directly on the unevenness, they would fill up with rainwater over time and the horses would be standing with their hooves in the wet again - and nobody wants that ! So flexibility was again the order of the day. A super good exercise! The Live To Love team moved to the pig run. Here there was a lot of debris buried in the ground - it was hidden under a sea of nettles; these were mowed and then the stones, garbage and other old debris were removed.

In the next few weeks, a nice area, where they can finally run around freely again, will be created in the small wooded area for the six pigs that live at SolLuna. They had spent the winter months in the warm barn. Irmgard told about her favorite youngster Sybille - a domestic pig who is getting on in years and is being bullied by the other pigs. In the meantime, Sybille has been given her own stall - and immediately made new social contacts: a rooster and a chicken have become her new loyal friends. Sybille grunts as soon as the food arrives for the two. In the evening, the two feathered ones lie down very close to Sybille - and all three sleep snuggled up close to each other until the next morning. A love story that moves the heart.

"The visit of Live To Love is a highlight for us every year, even if it unfortunately had to be a little smaller today and last year," says Irmgard Gubitz and has to smile about the fact that this great collaboration is actually only thanks to the two sheep Karl and Frodo. Do you remember? Live To Love had saved the lives of both of them and found them a new home at SolLuna.

Thank you for allowing us to experience again how much love and care all animals receive.

... SolLuna is a real role model for respectful and dignified treatment of animals. We were - as always - very happy to be with you and have taken many moving impressions. See you next time!

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

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20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

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