// August 14, 2021
Planting trees makes happy
3 walnut trees for Hamburg - bike tour - northern route
For a long time we have planned to visit the already planted trees with all team leads and enjoy a small celebration afterwards.
Since the route to all the planting sites in Hamburg has now taken on considerable proportions, we decided to divide the tours according to the 4 cardinal directions. On August 14, the time had finally come: we started a bike tour of several hours through the north of Hamburg. The weather was perfect and our mood was carried by great joy. Cycling is really great and in a team an inspiring and lively source of strength! In 2018, the Gyalwang Drukpa, as founder of the international secular network Live To Love, personally planted some trees in Hamburg's soil. This happened on a special occasion and represents a great honor and shining example! The elm tree at the Osterbek in Bramfeld, which the Gyalwang Drukpa planted first, has grown big and shows many special features. The trunk and bark are very even and the crown is of special beauty. As a tribute to the Gyalwang Drukpa and his tireless efforts to protect the environment, the earth and all beings that live on and from it, we decorated this elm tree. This gave the day a very solemn mood of gratitude.

Im Stadtteil Hummelsbüttel haben wir die 3 angekündigten Walnussbäume gepflanzt. In dem Grünzug eines Wohngebietes verfügen sie über ideale Bedingungen, um gut zu wachsen und zu gedeihen. Obwohl erst 6 Jahre alt, tragen sie bereits die ersten Nüsse. Diese sind eine wertvolle Nahrungsquelle für Tiere und Menschen. Unsere Route führte im Anschluss weiter zur Schwarzpappel an der Seebek, dem Baum - den wir vor elf Jahren in Kooperation mit dem NABU in die Erde setzten. Ganz besondere Freude hat die Streuobstwiese am Appelhofweiher ausgelöst, auf der wir Apfelbäume gepflanzt und 2 Blumenwiesen für Insekten angelegt haben. Die Streuobstwiese ist zu einem üppigen Lebensraum geworden. Die Bäume tragen bereits viele Früchte und versprechen eine reiche Ernte. Die Blumenwiesen haben sich zu wertvollen Biotopen entwickelt.
Our bike tour continued through the Ohlsdorf cemetery, where we planted 9 elms. This place is the largest and one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world and definitely represents a completely separate world "within this world". A spiritual space of silence, established equality & diversity of religious cultures, the highest landscape architecture and art in general. So many wonderful sculptures adorn the many areas. Ancient and rare tree species provide shade, beauty and spaces for contemplation. Very moving! We passed through many different neighborhoods where different lifestyles and plans are manifested. Rich and poor are often so close and sometimes the boundaries dissolve almost imperceptibly or even merge. We dedicated the evening with a celebration of our grown relationships, the wonderful encounters and successes that have come out of now 14 years of Live To Love grassroots actions in Germany.
We enjoyed colorful and delicious vegetarian and vegan food, as well as the relaxed and cheerful get-together very much. We are all incredibly grateful for this richness of all experiences, the many insights into different life worlds, the grown understanding of contexts and the learning of many new skills. In September, we will continue with joy. We are looking forward to the 4th Elbstrandaktion with the Live To Love pirates and a big plastic waste collection action to which everyone is already cordially invited.
Your Live To Love Team.