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// May 22, 2022

A new flower meadow for insects

Planting campaign in Winterhude on Biodiversity Day!

This weekend, several teams carried out various Live To Love activities.
Immediately after the neighborhood festival on Friday, a team swarmed out for Live To Love-Care for refugees from Ukraine - with a focus on needs for children and youth.
Today, a large team visited the SolLuna mercy shelter, which we will report on tomorrow.
At the same time we planted another flower meadow for insects in Hamburg Winterhude.
Even more so in Himmelstraße (Heaven street)!
Right in front of the daycare center where Eva, our team lead for flower meadows, works. The parents had immediately agreed to the idea of a flower meadow and donated all the materials needed.
In this Kita, the much-used word of diversity is program: it is a place that not only cares for crèche children and kindergarten children together in one group, but also integrates children with increased support or care needs.

Parents appreciate this place because of the warm and familiar atmosphere, which is supported by a high professionalism. So it was natural for many of them to help create this biotope. The area had already been wonderfully prepared the day before in several hours of work, so that everything went quite easily today.
With a lot of creativity, the somewhat sloping terrain was terraced with old roof tiles so that the rain and watering water would not run off so quickly and could penetrate deeper into the ground.

The children were absolutely enthusiastic about it. They diligently, dug, hammered, planted and filled many small flower pots with straw and decorated them lovingly. Earwigs feel at home in them.
Old cans were creatively decorated and then filled with bamboo sticks to provide nesting sites for the insects. Afterwards, another raised bed will be created in the daycare's garden, where the children can learn to grow and harvest vegetables.

Care and planting of the other meadows

A second team provided maintenance for the existing six meadows in the neighborhood. The meadows are looked after all year round by the Live To Love team, but there is always work to be done outside this framework: the boundary posts on some meadows had to be repainted, and new signs were also due.
The motto of our project "We make our district blossom" is progressing. And again we have experienced that these meadows immediately become social meeting places for people:
It is very easy to start a conversation, to exchange ideas and to enjoy the beauty that nature has given us and to recognize the great importance of doing something to counteract insect mortality.
By the way, today is the "International Day of Biodiversity", which we have filled with energy in this way. We are all really happy about it
MANY THANKS to everyone who helped out so enthusiastically today! It was great and we are all totally happy about the fantastic result!
Live To Love Team

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

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