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// July 5, 2022

"Help Ukraine!"

- dedicated to pregnant women and mothers and their children.
Nowadays, there is always talk about resilience, the psychological resistance, and the ability to survive even difficult life situations.
In this context, we have repeatedly met remarkable women who strive with high concentration to make the best of their current situation. Their strong will to survive and their unconditional love for their unborn and small children help them to cope with the strain of the days-long flight, the images of war and the worries about their relatives in Ukraine.
Arriving in Germany, most of them start from scratch - only a few bags with personal belongings and a cell phone are the basic equipment. Many speak neither English nor German. It is moving to see the openness and confidence with which they approach their new situation and look forward instead of losing themselves in pain over what they miss.
"What counts now is info, info, info," Tatjana, a Russian married to a Ukrainian and living in Hamburg, tells us - she looks after 570 (!) women all over Germany and assists them as an interpreter. She helps the pregnant women and young mothers to network and exchange information in chats about where to get what and how, to exchange different things of daily needs, such as baby clothes, and what to consider when going to the various authorities.


In addition to the essential basic needs, we have - thanks to the many toy donations - also been able to bring joy to the older children. Besides the universally loved cuddly toys, the chalk and soap bubbles went down particularly well. They brought a bit of color and wonder into their everyday lives.

May they all find peace and experience happiness!

Best regards
Your Live To Love Team

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Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

© 2024 Live To Love   Germany
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