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Gyalwang Drukpa as Ambassador for Peace in Hamburg

A visit in challenging times: Against the backdrop of the refugee situation, the attacks in Paris and climate change, the Gyalwang Dukpa visited the Hanseatic city of Hamburg on November 16 and 17, 2015. This time, the focus was on meetings with leading personalities in order to enter into dialogue.

The event kicked off with a conversation with Thando Walbaum, musician and actor from the TV series "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten," in which the Gyalwang Drukpa outlined possible solutions for dealing with the refugee crisis. Thando played the role of an asylum seeker in the television series. At the Hamburg Foundation Center, the Gyalwang Drukpa gave a short talk on "Life in Changing Times." He then accepted an invitation from Dr. Georg Winter, founder of the "House of the Future" and pioneer in sustainable environmental management. Dr. Winter presented his work, explained his vision of a "United Nature" and gave impulses for a lively exchange of ideas. The guests also included the architect of the house, Jakob Siemonsen, and Kai-Oliver Farr from Engagement-Global.

Lecture at the Overseas Club

Highlight of the day: the lecture of Gyalwang Drukpa in front of invited guests in the renowned Übersee-Club. Violinist Jansen Folkers and bassist Lisa Wulff took Gianna Wabner's words of welcome as an introduction to the attacks in Paris and the refugee issue and improvised an artistically high-quality fine, soothing composition out of the moment of mood - for which there was much applause.

His Holiness spoke about the cause and effect of the Paris attacks and refugee movements. He asked all countries that could afford to accept refugees. He called on both sides to be open to cultures and to be considerate of each other. He said he sees himself as having a responsibility to mediate between cultures. "I wish for a wedding of different attitudes toward life, so that the different cultures can find each other like the two sides of a heart." The Gyalwang Drukpa emphasized that helping and acting out of compassion should be combined with wisdom. The event concluded with a get-together tea in the rooms of the Overseas Club. There was an exchange of ideas among the guests who are involved in the fields, environment, climate, sustainability and humanitarian projects.

Reception at the World Future Council

The second day was marked by numerous interviews in which the Gyalwang Drukpa shared inspiring insights on various aspects. Afterwards, the directors of the World Future Council received the Gyalwang Drukpa - the focus was on joint initiatives and concrete humanitarian and ecological projects. The Gyalwang Drukpa: "Nothing is impossible in this world, provided we stick together. Only together do we make the world a better place."


NDR-Hamburg Journal, 16.11.2015: Vortrag im Hamburger Übersee-Club zur Flüchtlingsituation
Buddhismus Aktuell 1/2016: Grenzen überwinden, aus dem Herzen handeln
Lebe, Liebe, Lache.com, November 2015: Der Gyalwang Drukpa als Friedensbotschafter in Hamburg

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