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Love is succor

Volunteer. Help the homeless. Treat those in need with respect. Organize relief supplies. Give hope. Help rebuild a destroyed home, city, country.

Sunday, 19. January 2025

Visiting the homeless

The Live To Love team visits people on the streets during the cold winter months. We bring warm clothing, home-cooked meals, hygiene products and little things that make life outside easier.


Sunday, 16. February 2025

Visiting the homeless

The Live To Love team visits people on the streets during the cold winter months. We bring warm clothing, home-cooked meals, hygiene products and little things that make life outside easier.


Sa., 15. March 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 16.March 2025

Treeplanting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The action is expected to start at 11 a.m. The exact location will be announced later.


Sa., 15. April 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 27. April 2025

Tree planting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The campaign is expected to start at 11 am.


Sun., 18. May 2026

Maintenance of biotopes for insects

Who would like to help care for the flower meadow we have planted so far? We plant new plants and pull out weeds. More information coming soon.


Fr, 23. May 2025

Court festival

We invite you to the courtyard concert on the grounds of the Parkheim Foundation. There will be dancing and the value of community will be celebrated in encounters and dialogue.


Sa., 20. - 26. June 2025

Action at the Hamburg Foundation Days

This year we are also contributing with a campaign. Preparations are underway. More information coming soon.


Sun., 29. June 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 20. July 2025

Deployment to a sanctuary

Love is caring: We drive to the sanctuaries and help - from building and painting fences to mucking out the stables, everything is included.


Sun., 21. September 2025


We clean up, collect plastic waste and educate people about alternatives.


Sun., 29. June 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Sun, 09. November 2025

Cake challenge in Riesenbeck-Hörstel

We invite you to the cake challenge in Riesenbeck-Hörstel (NRW) on Sunday, November 10th. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., a Live To Love team sells tarts and cakes made with organic ingredients in the ice cream cafe. Gluten-free pastries are also on offer. The proceeds go to the Live To Love projects.
Anyone who would like to contribute with a cake is welcome.


Sum., 16. November 2025

Tree planting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The campaign is expected to start at 11 am.


Sa., 06. December 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Sun., 21. December 2025

Christmas campaign

We bring small gifts, warm clothes for the winter and soup to the homeless.



Touching Live To Love campaign from North Rhine-Westphalia

As part of a project week, Stefanie Höpfner taught her school class about a topic that is generally rather taboo in Germany: "Death & Grief", in a creative and very loving way.

Children are guests who ask for directions - Maria Montessori

LIVE TO LOVE - CARE: for the women and children from Ukraine who have recently arrived and are living here!

Cheers to the value of life!
Live to love - the 4th annual courtyard party for the residents of the Parkheim Foundation
Spring and the great joy of planting trees toghether!

The beauty of nature reminds us that we are part of a greater whole and that every action has an impact on the balance of life on this planet.

“Children are guests who ask for directions”

- Maria Montessori

LIVE TO LOVE - CARE this year, Ukrainians are celebrating Easter twice!

Klima- und Umweltschutz
Happy Sunday! TREES, TREES, TREES!
Under the wide blue sky and the most pleasant weather conditions, we came together again today to contribute to a mixed forest in Klövensteen with 1,500 more trees.


Moments that last...

Today we'll show you some snapshots of our action on the streets of Hamburg

Children are guests who ask for directions

- Maria Montessori
The encounters with the parents and children from Ukraine illustrate the impressive strength and resilience they show on their challenging journey through life.

It must come from the heart to have an effect on the heart

Instead of reacting to the homeless with defensiveness and condemnation, we should promote understanding and empathy to create a compassionate society that offers each individual opportunities to improve their circumstances at least a little.

16 years - Live To Love campaigns for the homeless!
“The true greatness of a society is shown in how it treats the weakest. In the simplicity of sharing and kindness we find the true richness of the human heart.”


Children are guests who ask for directions.
-Maria Montessori
Joyful pre-Christmas celebration for people seeking protection from Ukraine.
We wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas season!

ove To Love - Care - Adventskalender für Senior:innen

Trees are life!

Planting trees is more than just an environmentally conscious act to counteract man-made climate change!

“Children are guests who ask for directions”

Simply offering the children from Ukraine a way to express their feelings through painting, handicrafts and movement games has repeatedly reaffirmed to us that our visits are deeply meaningful.

Trees planted and strong impulses set

We have set strong impulses: New trees planted along the Wandse!

Children are guests who ask for the way

Live To Love Care action for women, mothers, their children and of course the fathers from Ukraine:
Great joy in the rooms in Wartenau!

Numerous inspiring encounters at the LIVE TO LOVE information booth at FEST DER EINHEIT
Citizens' Festival on the Day of German Unity at Neuer Jungfernstieg in Hamburg - 120 foundations presented their projects as part of the Foundation Days!
World Cleanup Day - The world cleans up!
Wow! Hurray for the kids!
For World Clean Up Day, Live To Love's child ambassadors collected a whopping 100kg of plastic and other litter!
Simply wonderful! Live to Love at the sanctuary SolLuna and the animals living there
Live To Love action at the sanctuary Sol Luna e.V. - in Rietberg-Mastholte
Some time ago the director Imgard Gubitz took in seven dogs from Romania. Three of them were used as guard dogs.
Klima- und Umweltschutz
The Gyalwang Drukpa in Hamburg: Bike Yatra in the Hanseatic City
Big surprise - The Gyalwang Drukpa, founder of the international and secular Live To Love movement, honored Live To Love Germany with an unofficial visit! All the team leads and volunteers who spontaneously joined us could hardly believe their luck when the Gyalwang Drukpa actually showed up for a meeting at our center. The planned Bike Yatra in Europe, which will take place at the end of May next year, received special attention as a highlight topic.
Giving children hope and warmth creates a trusting foundation for the future

It doesn't take much to cause happiness:
Today, under guidance, the youngest shelter seekers from Ukraine made flying balls out of bundles of cloth with colorful crepe ribbons. Afterwards, they tried them out during the song "Rainbow Dances" with very individual, imaginative movement frequencies. Some children played and romped with a large air-rubber ball - painted or explored various game donations. A lot of creativity, a natural joy of expression and liveliness colorfully characterized this afternoon.

There are so many things that make life happy, but one of the best is bringing joy to children
Live To Love Care for mothers, fathers and children seeking protection.
30 families with their children came to Hamburg Eilbek today to share encounters in the name of respect and love. Nina from Initiative Nordherz drew our attention to the fact that with today's action we have already been regularly active in the rooms in Eilbek for one year - wow - time has passed so quickly! The war in Ukraine broke out exactly one year and four months ago. After initially initiating acute crisis assistance, we moved on to regular visits for those seeking protection.
Great day of action with the soul mates
The balance of give and take leads to joy and happiness in all relationships!
Not only in interpersonal relationships it matters, but also in the relationship with the earth, the plants and the animals. The love that animals are able to give us is indescribably precious - sometimes quite clearly, then again characterized by a deeply moving tenderness. We need do nothing more than engage with them, observe them, be attentive, and a relationship can develop that goes beyond mere affection to love.
The reunion with Line and her charges at the horse sanctuary Seelengefährten e. V. was already familiar.
Beautiful biotope at the Tarpenbek realized!

New wildflower biotope planted at the Tarpenbek!
Thanks to GoNature, a beautiful collaboration with Live To Love and Wünsche Group - Hamburg became a reality today. The latter has internationally launched the "Wünsche Value Week" from June 5 to 11, 2023. During this week, their employees will have the opportunity to volunteer for nature and species conservation. Their vision is to provide concrete support for existing projects with an idea or an action, to establish encounters at eye level, to enable new perspectives - and, of course, above all: to whet people's appetites for more involvement!

Live to Love on the Day of Neighbors
Dieser Tag der Nachbarn - oder eine Hommage an das Leben!
Zum Tag der Nachbarn haben wir bereits zum 3. Mal zu einem Hofkonzert auf dem Gelände der Parkheim Stiftung eingeladen und zahlreiche der Bewohner:innen und etliche Gäste von außerhalb sind diesem Ruf gefolgt. Der renommierte und famose Violinist Jansen Folkers hatte eigens ein Programm ausgearbeitet und führte, gemeinsam mit dem klassischen Musiker Harald Schmidt, das Publikum durch die Welten der Klassik, des Tango, des Jazz, schwedischen Kompositionen, lateinamerikanischer Variationen und freien Interpretationen.
Happy World Bee Day

Fan out for wild bees and other insects! Today on World Bee Day, when the UN calls for protection for bees, we energized the existing Live To Love flower meadows for insects. We planted additional wildflowers in the ground that are popular with bees: mealy sage, grass carnation, goldenseal, and catnip.
Even though it is only a few inches tall, the bee is one of the world's third most important "life keepers." About 80 percent of all plants - including fruits and vegetables - depend on pollination by bees. It not only ensures the diversity of the plant world, but also contributes significantly to the nutrition of humans and animals.

Sharing is the new having
The secret of happiness lies not in possessing, but in giving. Those who make others happy become happy.
- Andre Gide
Live To Love-Care for shelter seekers from Ukraine - because sharing is the new having.
First of all, it is very important for us to express our indescribable gratitude to all supporters from 7 to 86 years old! Your generous and beautiful donations in kind, your handicrafts and homemade food have led to so much joy and gratitude.
"Earth Day": Planting trees in Hamburg´s Klövensteen
Think globally and act locally - the basic idea of UN Mother Earth Day.
Today, Earth Day awareness was raised in over 175 countries. The natural dependencies of all living beings on the earth are increasingly coming to the fore. We take extremely much more than we give!That is why there was a motivation to join forces in a variety of actions: "Invest in Our Planet".
The realization of the wedding forest: an event of joy and happiness.

Today the Live To Love - Wedding Forest was planted with many fruit and nut trees on a meadow in the village center of Schwiederstorf. On the occasion of their wedding, Adrianne and Peter had asked for donations for trees they wanted to plant under the umbrella of Live To Love Germany. After many months of detailed planning, today was finally the day.

Creating moments when life is playfully simple.
In the psychology of the West, work with the "inner child" is popular. Surprisingly, this method is most often applied with the regressive view of the past and the sufferings and shortcomings of one's childhood experiences. Children's own resilience, creativity, spontaneity, wonder and interest with which we as children also encountered life, is rarely taken into account.
Rushed to the aid of the Easter Bunny and distributed the nests in the neighborhood!
Live To Love - Care: wünscht allen Senior:innen ein glückliches Osterfest!
Heute am Ostersonntag haben die Kinder aus unserem Live To Love Team kleine Aufmerksamkeiten an die Älteren in der Nachbarschaft verteilt. Sie alle haben wir im Laufe der Jahre tief in unser Herz geschlossen und es sind schöne Beziehungen entstanden.
Colors, shapes and movement strengthen vitality and make you happy!
In der Entwicklungspsychologie ist mit dem Begriff Resilienz die Fähigkeit gemeint, trotz schwieriger Einflüsse und Umstände die eigene seelische und körperliche Gesundheit aufrechtzuerhalten. Bewegung und Kreativität können einen starken und heilsamen Einfluss auf uns Menschen ausüben und Kinder sind gewöhnlich sehr leicht erreichbar, denn sie lieben es, sich durch Farben, Formen und Bewegung auszudrücken. Mit unserer Live To Love Care-Initiative „Help Ukraine“ haben wir deshalb für die Kinder einen Tanz in den Frühling mit bunten Tüchern angeboten.
A happy and successful start to the 2023 tree planting season.
Frohen Mutes schreiten wir auf die neue Zielgerade von 20.000 Bäumen für den Hamburger Klövensteen zu! Bei Sonnenschein und angenehmen Temperaturen sind heute mehr als 70 Teilnehmer gekommen, um mit uns gemeinsam weitere 1.500 Bäume in den Klövensteen zu pflanzen. Wir durften viele neue Menschen kennenlernen und waren glücklich über die gute Laune und enthusiastische Motivation.
"The secret of happiness lies not in possession, but in giving.

He who makes others happy becomes happy." - André Gide

The two youngest from the Live To Love team, Mika and Frieda, visited the senior citizens in Hamburg-Winterhude! They delivered care bags, dedicated a few moments to the neighbors for a chat - and gifted everyone with their pure joy of life!

Being human - sharing warmth, food and relief goods

Living on the street means much more than being homeless and not having a bed, but also having to do without all the comforts that most of us take totally for granted. Homeless people often have no perspective anymore. Family members and friends have turned away, which is very painful and leads to loss of self-confidence. Some of the homeless people we met today in downtown Hamburg have suddenly lost their "old life".

Photos: © Agnes Forsthuber / Live To Love Germany

Loving means acting

Join us and get actively involved in our actions. We are looking forward to you!

Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

© 2025 Live To Love   Germany
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