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Love is succor

Volunteer. Help the homeless. Treat those in need with respect. Organize relief supplies. Give hope. Help rebuild a destroyed home, city, country.

Sunday, 19. January 2025

Visiting the homeless

The Live To Love team visits people on the streets during the cold winter months. We bring warm clothing, home-cooked meals, hygiene products and little things that make life outside easier.


Sunday, 16. February 2025

Visiting the homeless

The Live To Love team visits people on the streets during the cold winter months. We bring warm clothing, home-cooked meals, hygiene products and little things that make life outside easier.


Sa., 15. March 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 16.March 2025

Treeplanting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The action is expected to start at 11 a.m. The exact location will be announced later.


Sa., 15. April 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 27. April 2025

Tree planting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The campaign is expected to start at 11 am.


Sun., 18. May 2026

Maintenance of biotopes for insects

Who would like to help care for the flower meadow we have planted so far? We plant new plants and pull out weeds. More information coming soon.


Fr, 23. May 2025

Court festival

We invite you to the courtyard concert on the grounds of the Parkheim Foundation. There will be dancing and the value of community will be celebrated in encounters and dialogue.


Sa., 20. - 26. June 2025

Action at the Hamburg Foundation Days

This year we are also contributing with a campaign. Preparations are underway. More information coming soon.


Sun., 29. June 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Su., 20. July 2025

Deployment to a sanctuary

Love is caring: We drive to the sanctuaries and help - from building and painting fences to mucking out the stables, everything is included.


Sun., 21. September 2025


We clean up, collect plastic waste and educate people about alternatives.


Sun., 29. June 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Sun, 09. November 2025

Cake challenge in Riesenbeck-Hörstel

We invite you to the cake challenge in Riesenbeck-Hörstel (NRW) on Sunday, November 10th. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., a Live To Love team sells tarts and cakes made with organic ingredients in the ice cream cafe. Gluten-free pastries are also on offer. The proceeds go to the Live To Love projects.
Anyone who would like to contribute with a cake is welcome.


Sum., 16. November 2025

Tree planting campaign

Help us: We plant trees for climate protection. The campaign is expected to start at 11 am.


Sa., 06. December 2025

Care campaign for women from Ukraine seeking protection

Our care initiative continues: We meet in the rooms of the Paul-Gerhardt parish in Winterhude - bring clothes and toys to the children and women from Ukraine. The Live To Love team offers crafts and games.


Sun., 21. December 2025

Christmas campaign

We bring small gifts, warm clothes for the winter and soup to the homeless.



Pictures say more than 1000 words

To be exposed to even a single day of these harsh weather conditions, the icy wind and the cold rain showers on the street, was challenging even for us today. What is it like first for people who are homeless? Today we have seen a lot of hardship, hunger and misery on the streets among people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Warming for body and soul for the people on the street
Almost all of us long for compassion - especially when we are in a bad way. It is generally easier for us to feel compassion for people in our immediate environment, but many people find it strange or even impossible to show compassion to a complete stranger. For a long time, compassion was considered something that only religions or spiritual traditions were responsible for. One of the first to approach the subject of compassion from a neuroscientific perspective was Paul Gilbert, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby. He studied what effects simply practicing a compassion meditation can have on the brain and on human behavior.
“Children are guests who ask for directions.”

Maria Montessori

Nikolaus and Nikoletta. Pictures speak more than 1000 words...
Today, NIKOLAUS and the female equivalent NIKOLETTA invited us to dance and move with a sung children's song. This was an essential contribution of our visit today to the pregnant women, babies and children seeking protection. Dance, movement and creativity can contribute, at least for a moment - maybe even in the long term, impulses for healing from wounding and trauma.
A valuable contribution to healthy forests
The forest is a special being, of unlimited goodness and affection, which makes no demands and generously passes on the products of its life's work; it offers shelter to all creatures and provides shade even for the woodcutter who cuts down trees.
~ Buddha (560 - 480 B.C.), also: Siddhartha Gautama (Pali: Siddhattha Gotama), founder of the philosophy named after him Buddhism.
This universal truth of an enlightened man is nowadays confirmed by modern science in all relevant contexts. This is very helpful - but no theoretical inspiration can be replaced by a direct experience. We had that today in abundance!
"Children are guests who ask for directions."

Maria Montessori

"Helping one person alone may not change the whole world, but it can change the whole world for that one person"  We met many new faces - exhausted, worried, some withdrawn and fearful - at our Care Action today. Currently, many young women from Ukraine are coming to the city again, after the infrastructure in their country is increasingly destroyed and especially pregnant women and young mothers are called to leave the country.


Everything in the flow! Joy, creativity and lightness:
With these ingredients, the Live To Love team in North Rhine-Westphalia initiated the 2nd Cake Challenge at the ice cream parlor in Hörstel-Riesenbeck with great success. Already in the run-up everything was in flow and carried by a lot of inspiration - more than 20 cakes and pies were contributed by the highly motivated confectioners: all in 100% organic quality, many gluten- and lactose-free baked goods, some even vegan.

Finally planting trees again!
The autumn kick-off of the planting season has taken us to Hamburg-Rahlstedt, on the longest tributary of the Alster. In the Hanseatic city, this river became known for the fish ladder that was installed two years ago. This is intended to provide more biodiversity in the course of the river - here even young salmon cavort, which are known to be able to swim against the current!
HELP Ukraine: Children are guests who ask for directions

Maria Montessori

Warm meeting with Nina and her protégés - the refugee women and children from Ukraine! The youngest in the group is a little baby who saw the light of this world only a few days ago. The spontaneous joy and ultimate radiant presence of the children when unpacking and trying out the gifts infects us all and distracts us - many a stressful experience thus recedes into the background for a while, even for their mothers.
Help Ukraine

"Kinder sind Gäste die nach dem Weg fragen." - Maria Montessori

Gestern haben wir wieder junge Mütter mit ihren Kindern und schwangere Frauen aus der Ukraine im Rahmen unserer Care-Initiative besucht. Einige sind gerade erst vor wenigen Tagen in Hamburg angekommen - ihre Gesichter lassen ahnen, was sie hinter sich haben nach tagelanger Flucht. Für sie zählt nur eines: Den Kindern Geborgenheit und Vertrauen schenken, dass alles gut wird – auch wenn sie alles verloren haben.
Pirates, you were just great!
The oyster "Merle with the pearl" or "Microplastic - such a shit!" The Live To Love Pirates know the worries of mussels and fish and came together for the sixth time this weekend on the Elbe beach in Övelgönne to draw attention to the dangers of microplastics for life on earth. Almost 50 highly ambitious children signed up today as Live To Love pirates - simply great!
Trees are life
Two family trees and one generation tree now stand in Othmarschen. Learning to see the world again through the eyes of children, to experience their joy and eagerness - is moving and indescribably fulfilling. They show us how natural their relationship is to the wonders of this earth and of life. Today, the children at the Holmbrook playground in Hamburg-Othmarschen showed us how they fill every moment with joy, curiosity and bright imagination - so today's tree planting event also became a very lively experience for all ages.
HELP Ukraine: Children are guests who ask for directions

Maria Montessori

The situation for pregnant women and young mothers from Ukraine seeking protection, who have now been in Hamburg for a long time, faces new challenges. On the one hand, it is difficult to find their own apartments - on the other hand, the public shelters are overcrowded.
Osdorf is richer by 3 walnut trees

The drought and high temperatures in recent months have motivated us even more to start planting trees as early as August. The planting site: a meadow orchard in Born Park in Osdorf. Nearby is a small lake and we hope that it can continue to provide sufficient water. Due to the meanwhile very dry soil we immediately filled several buckets of water into the planting holes to give the roots a good basis to connect with the soil.

HELP Ukraine: Children are guests who ask for directions

Maria Montessori

In the statistics it is "only" a number: so far 149,874 children and young people have come to Germany since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, 4292 of them to Hamburg alone. (Source: Statista) In direct contact, however, their fate becomes tangible - then this number comes alive and the desire to make their time here easier and fill it with a little joy is great.
#artfortrees: an action for the irrigation of trees in times of climate change.

Street artists from Germany and England have created great colorful motifs for irrigation bags on the initiative of the green energy provider "E wie EINFACH". With inspiring messages such as "Water is life" or "You have two homes: Earth & Family.Take care of them" or "Without rain there is no rainbow", they know how to motivate residents and passers-by to pick up a watering can and fill the bags with water.

"If everyone wanted to help the other, everyone would be helped"

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

"Help Ukraine!": Reunion with Nina, the very sympathetic and dedicated volunteer of Nordherz. The cooperation with her is really a great pleasure and support. In the meantime - as Nina told - a birth preparation course for pregnant women was organized via Zoom, this can at least somewhat compensate for the lack of midwives, especially the Russian-speaking ones.

Lively Nature Experiences A week - long field trip with Live To Love
The Live To Love Germany team went on a week-long field trip to a nature reserve near Hamburg, Germany. Since we are very much concerned with the consequences of climate change, tree death and deforestation, an area was deliberately chosen where the forest is still pristine and largely spared from the effects of climate change.
"Help Ukraine!" - dedicated to pregnant women and mothers and their children

Nowadays, there is always talk about resilience, the psychological resistance, and the ability to survive even difficult life situations. In this context, we have repeatedly met remarkable women who strive with high concentration to make the best of their current situation.

HELP Ukraine: Further support for refugee mothers and children
We have dedicated our Care Action today to heavily pregnant women and young mothers from Ukraine. For them, the situation is extremely challenging: Many live without relatives in Hamburg - have to cope with the jungle of regulations of the local authorities - worry whether everything will go well until the birth and very much in search of everything that is needed for the care and supply of an infant.
"Children are guests asking for directions"
Maria Montessori
Right now, well over 100 million people worldwide are on the run. According to the United Nations, about 40 million of them are under the age of 18. As a result of the Ukraine war alone, 14 million people have fled.
Tree planting makes you happy!

Our tree planting campaign today took us to the forest along the Alster in the Hamburg district of Lemsahl-Mellingstedt.
There we planted two over 3.70 m tall and very beautifully grown Ginkgo Biloba trees and a well over 4 m tall European white elm in the ground - both are among the few trees that can also be planted in summer.

Live To Love - Care for the children from Ukraine
According to UNICEF, millions of children have been impacted by the experiences of war, losing loved ones and friends.
Uprooted from their homeland, they need special care and compassion: For children, support, safety, security and community are very important pillars, in order to regain confidence in life.
A new flower meadow for insects

At the same time we planted another flower meadow for insects in Hamburg Winterhude. Even more so in Himmelstraße (Heaven street)!
Right in front of the daycare center where Eva, our team lead for flower meadows, works. The parents had immediately agreed to the idea of a flower meadow and donated all the materials needed.

SolLuna: A new pony fence and food donations
Live To Love action at the animal sanctuary Sol Luna e.V. in Rietberg-Mastholte, Westphalia! Wow - so much has changed since our visit last year: The old farmhouse is painted in fresh green - and inside there are new sanitary rooms with a bathing facility for dogs.
Day of neighbors - sharing joy multiplies happiness!

As last year, we dedicated the "Day of Neighbors" to the fellow people of the Parkheim Foundation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, our Live To Love - Care activities have intensified relations with them through regular visits.

Live To Love-Care for refugees from Ukraine

With packed cars we visited refugees today, who fortunately found a refuge in a guest house in Hamburg-Dulsberg.
Andreas Kelb has spontaneously made his apartments available. His loving commitment as owner and hostel father shows great human kindness and we are full of appreciation.

1,550 oak trees for the Klövensteen in Hamburg

"Every moment of life is fresh - in every moment, in every second! " ~ The Gyalwang Drukpa, founder of the secular and humanitarian organization Live To Love, 2010 in Hamburg

Creative hours with children at the "Arche"

A peaceful time at the Arche
Children are so closely connected to their nature, they express directly with few words what they feel - this is how the Live To Love team experienced it directly at the CARE action in the children's foundation Die Arche in Billstedt

Meeting refugees with love and respect

What strong and brave women!!! What a lifetime achievement of mothers who hold back their own personal, terrible experiences and do everything to give their beloved children support and stability!

Planting trees on the Day of Happiness

Today on the international day of the forest we would like to tell you about our Live To Love event yesterday: Experience happiness and invest happiness in Hamburg Klövensteen!

Compassion in practice - refugee aid
"Everything in life is a bridge - a word, a smile we give to the other.“ (Ivo Andric)

Thanks to the recently installed online registration procedures, the formerly long queues and waiting times for arriving people from Ukraine have fortunately been almost eliminated.

Acute refugee aid
"Help Ukraine!" the first relief action for the refugees from Ukraine.

Today, the Live To Love team distributed "first aid bags" to waiting women and their babies and children in front of the Central Initial Reception Center in Hamburg. The bags contained various hygiene items, towels, nutritional supplements and wound healing creams, as well as children's backpacks and cuddly toys.

In Hamburg-Harburg at the "Arche"

Live To Love spring event at the children's foundation Die Arche Die Arche in Hamburg-Harburg: With hula hoop dances and rope jumping, the children happily welcomed the Live To Love team, enjoying the first warm rays of sunshine.

Acute crisis help at the "Seelengefährten"

Today's Live To Love action took us to the Pferdeschutzhof Seelengefährten e. V. in Königsmoor. The last few days were marked by strong storms and hurricanes and on the way to Königsmoor the partly massive damages, caused by fallen trees, broken branches and flooding of the fields, once again made us aware of the consequences of climate change.

Colorful hours with the children in the "Arche"

Art is healing. It helps to express wishes and experiences that are often difficult to put into words. Today was finally time for bright colors and joie de vivre: The Live To Love CARE team invited the children of The Ark Foundation to a big painting event.

It must come from the heart what is to act on hearts

A person often feels transformed as soon as he is treated humanely, Eugen Roth wrote.
We can only confirm this, because we have been making this experience for many years, from both sides and in all directions.

Great surprises for Santa Claus

What do Live To Love and Santa Claus have in common? A heart for lonely or challenged people and children!
That's why Santa Claus made a flying visit to the mothers' and children's homes in Hörstel and Ibbenbüren this year as part of the Live To Love CARE initiative.

New trees, new habitats

Protect and preserve life with tree planting! This weekend, we planted trees in two different places in Hamburg. At the children's playground in Altona Volkspark, the Live To Love team planted several beech trees on Saturday.

Give love to children from all over the world!

In the past 14 years, a great many volunteers have joined our movement. Some women participate with creative & loving handicrafts. It is deeply moving to see the dedication and love with which each one enriches our bags and gift boxes and tree decorations. To all of them be our grateful appreciation!

Photos: © Agnes Forsthuber / Live To Love Germany

Loving means acting

Join us and get actively involved in our actions. We are looking forward to you!

Live To Love Germany is part of this international network of humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization of local and the support of international aid projects through active work, donations or contributions in kind is our central task.

Live To Love Germany
Eppendorfer Weg 93A
20259 Hamburg / GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0)40 / 555 770 59
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 254 957 53
E-Mail: info@live-to-love-germany.org

© 2025 Live To Love   Germany
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